ASD Sensory Program and the Role of the Occupational Therapist
Institutional Advancement
Many students at ASD benefit from Occupational Therapy. ASD has a number of therapists on campus who work with students who have physical or emotional challenges. ASD was extremely fortunate to receive funding from the Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) for our Sensory Rooms, one of which is a high technology vibro-acoustic area, which facilitates self regulation, focus and a general sense of well being.
Occupational therapists play a vital role in this part of those students' educational experience. They are the accommodation experts who help to increase the independence of students and provide them with the skills they will use over the course of a lifetime not just during their time in school.
During school hours, schedules are now adapted to meet students' sensory needs by entering them into the sensory motor room or multi sensory space. Some students have highly benefited from these spaces and staff/teachers have reported an incredible difference in their focus and behaviors. Time in a sensory room helps the students improve their proprioception, vestibular system, visual processing as well as fine and gross motor skills. The occupational therapists work to create plans for each individual student in order to customize each experience to achieve the the most beneficial outcome.