
Founded in 1817, the American School for the Deaf was the first permanent school for the deaf in the United States and a nationally renowned leader in providing comprehensive educational programs and services for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. 

Communication Approach

ASD embraces an American Sign Language/English Bilingual approach to provide our students with a dual language foundation in both American Sign Language and English. This approach integrates American Sign Language, speech, auditory training, reading, writing, and the use of assistive devices to enable our students to achieve true language and communication literacy and become successful, lifelong learners.

ASD is equipped with the latest technology to provide students with total access to language – this includes signing, captioning, and advanced digital systems to assist students with hearing aids and cochlear implants. We firmly believe that the use of sign language is also critical to ensure that our students benefit from communication access in all environments. Exposing children to a communicatively accessible environment at the earliest possible age results in language development and academic success. The bilingual approach will foster this accessible environment while providing our students with the tools to achieve fluency in two languages.
    • Three Graduates

      Three Graduates

Mission Statement

At the American School for the Deaf, students and families are surrounded by inspiring peers, guided by dedicated and committed staff, and supported by robust technology. We foster a language-rich communication environment that maximizes each student’s potential, empowering them to become educated and self-directed lifelong learners.

An ASD Snapshot

ASD is a Connecticut State Department of Education approved special education program and is licensed for residential services by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. ASD is also approved by the states of Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Vermont and New Hampshire. 

ASD provides comprehensive educational services to students from 110 Connecticut school districts (including our Birth-to-Three program), six states outside of Connecticut, and serves international students.

American School for the Deaf CREDO

What does it mean to be able?
It means you can.
You have what it takes.
To think.
Not just in a classroom, but in the world.
So we prepare deaf and hard-of-hearing students  not only for diplomas,  but for their whole lives.
By nurturing the whole child:
Intellectually. Emotionally. Physically. And socially.
And by giving every student everything they need to focus not on obstacles or challenges, but on opportunities and potential. Our students and their families find we’re more than a school — we’re a true community, made up of passionate professionals. And using a holistic, ASL/English bilingual approach, we help students and their families be well-prepared to participate in everything tomorrow will bring. Because we want all our students to look forward to futures in which they’re...
ALL ways able.

Explore Campus

Want to see our campus and facilities with your own eyes? Contact us to set up a tour.